PreSonus Studio One Pro v2.0.1 (WIN)
UNION | 20.10.2011 | WIN: 117.4 MB
For those who want a complete set of professional tools for recording, editing, mixing, mastering, and distribution, we offer Studio One Professional. When you purchase this product, you will be able to immediately download and activate Studio One Professional and all of the included content. If you elect to purchase the physical package, as well, you will receive the Studio One Professional box, complete with all four DVDs of instruments, loops, and other bonus content; a printed Quick Start Guide; a Key Command Reference Card; and a Studio One sticker sheetUNION | 20.10.2011 | WIN: 117.4 MB
What's new in Version 2
* Intergrated Melodyne Pitch Correction *
Celemony’s Melodyne is the most sought-after pitch-correction solution in the market, and it has been the model for proprietary solutions in several DAWs. Studio One 2 seamlessly integrates Melodyne so tightly that, for practical purposes, Melodyne is simply a part of Studio One.
* Transient Detection, Editing and Groove Extraction *
Sure, you can do transient detection and editing in other DAWs—but it’s slow, and you often have to make a lot of decisions along the way. In Studio One, you can quantize multitrack drums in two steps: group the tracks, then quantize.
Studio One does the analysis and phase-coherent quantization for you—with great-sounding results! Want to quantize audio to other existing audio? Drag-and-drop audio into the Groove panel, then quantize. Groove extraction is as simple as drag-and-drop; extract a groove from any audio and apply it to any other audio in seconds!
* Multitrack Comping Done Right *
Single and multitrack comping are quick and easy in Studio One—and faster than with most DAWs!
No tool-switching is needed, and crossfading between takes is automated, although you can edit the fades. Auditioning takes is as simple as holding Alt and clicking on a take—no more manually soloing entire lanes, as in other DAWs.
* Stay Organize *
Keeping everything organized can be critical to an efficient workflow, which is a breeze with the new Folder Tracks and Track List.
* Enhanced Mastering with Studio One Professional *
No other DAW offers a truly integrated mastering suite comparable to the Project page in Studio One Professional. Learn more
Mastering an album is much more than sequencing and level-matching. Studio One Professional provides all of the necessary tools for professional production, including a phase meter and spectrum and peak/RMS level meters with K-System options. To all of this, Studio One Professional 2 adds DDP Export, PQ editing, higher-quality sample-rate conversion, and other professional features.
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